We live here.

The best community in the world - we mean it.

Housed within the existing Berkshires community is the one we call our own - incredible people from all walks of life that support, encourage and challenge each other. Trips and dinners galore.

We operate three houses, right next door to each other.

Don't worry, they're all dog-friendly.


The Basics

We have ten total bedrooms, and everyone has their own room.

We honor all treatment modalities

From 12-Step to SMART to Dharma to a completely individualized path, we're open to it all.

We move around a lot

Included in our cost are gym and yoga passes, and there's rarely a day without a group getting outside. We also have our own weight room, treadmills, Peloton, yoga room, and an extensive wiffle ball field.

Did we mention that we're in the Berkshires?

Get ready for three-season hiking, biking, paddling and swimming. And bring your skis for the winter.